youtube channel wiggles on the box


Youtube channel

Our youtube channel featuring wiggles

Hi there readers I hope your all good and safe,Back to youtube lol, our channel is a small celebration to wiggles for her many fans and an attempt to try and get more subscribers to come over and give us the thumbs up, we’ve recently been contacted by top buzz regarding the BALLS IM STUCK clip so must be doing something right.

Admittedly I’m not apt at videos or editing but I try my best with the tools that I can understand using to complete these little videos and they are mostly of wiggles ATM due to not being able to think of a way to present the collection.

Youtube channel continued

We are trying to not only grow on social media but learn the Does and do nots with a great idea swerving the self regulated formats due to the foul and disgusting attitude and character of some of the people signed up there even moderators, yet we are enjoying the other formats yet not knowing what kind of impact one man can have work solely on his own.

So back to youtube; it would be great to see lots more views and thumbs up and I’m hoping by dropping a few on the article may sway you to change your mind; there’s millions of channels with bulldogs on but not any like I’ve created for collectibulldogs.

A wiggly wiggles part 1

Your youtube channel

If you have a YouTube channel then we have a page for YouTube videos these do need switching around by my host but there’s room on the page if you want to share your YouTube videos with our readers, we will consider most videos for submission but would try to stay within our own demographic but hey ASK you never know.

Please note I have done a similar post before but now I’ve grown especially on formats such as Instagram and twitter it’s always best to do refresher articles is not many will scroll through our amazing massive website just for a particular blog especially just youtube.


I will continue to post videos there even if there’s not many subscribers I’m catching the eye of those that like content and awaiting a reply from one said organisation, wiggles can be funny but you have to catch her unawares or she just stops what she’s doing as if she knows she being captured on film and goes all diva.

persaverance is key here when catching wiggles out and I’ve had the idea to ask the lads at my hosting to help me to create some videos using my collection the clips at the moment are ok but compared to some videos very  amateurish but that’s going to be the case till I’m obviously good at editing. a select few from the collection



the website is huge but videos can be found in the menu or search bar it needs more content there but we are working on that, this would be where your video will be uploaded so readers or visitors can see it in full view without having to jump / bounce over to youtube to watch it Class ay.

Ill leave it up to you the readers but we sure would love the support and I’ll leave my channel url below so those wanting to can pop over see what it’s like and decide from there, I would state collectibulldogs is very new only 2.6 years old and we are already doing well online and all the support the likes comments (on all formats) help us greatly to get noticed. Till next time stay safe and Happy collecting.

Wiggly wiggles twitters cutest bulldog


So here is our channel we hope you press and go over to see the videos already there and put lots of thumbs up and comments thank you

Our last entry on this subject in trying to find organic interested people and not fake it by buying pretend likes and subscribers it just means working harder to get established

A few other blogs if you wish to continue and help our page searching and time spent on the website thank you

Hello & Welcome

World Class Bulldog Collection – Museum Listed (old)

OCD magical thinking


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