Hi there readers I hope you are all safe and well out there in the world I thought id send out a blog and share a couple of new bulldog pieces with you as well as some new ideas we are going to be trying out and about a calendar for collectibulldogs and made especially by digital Wolf our host.

Here’s an example of a PDF It’s our one and only original ebook on collecting 350 gone so far how cool 😎 is that

If I remember rightly I mentioned I will be getting a job at the same museum the collection was exhibited in and I’m waiting on instructions from my mentor to set up a form of social funding or the finding of grant monies to get the collection appraised and once that’s done proper insurance can be obtained to set me off on my venture


I have a nice collection of bulldog pieces and memorabilia and to have it shown around A the country or B loaned abroad would be a dream come true but I cannot start any kind of venture till I register as a social enterprise, my museum mentor has helped in writing a letter to prospective investors in the public sector and looking at high profile organisations in the city like American Express to see if they would be interested in watching us grow.



Thanking the museum but one person in particular


Does not sound right does it “a silent thank you” so let me explain, the past year or so has been like a nightmare for myself both with my mental health and other social issues and due to my discharge from mental health I’ve had no help EXCEPT FOR !,, a wonderful lady that I cannot name for legal reasons but can say this lady is the head of the museum mentors project in the Brighton Museum, works overtime to cater for around 30 individuals and is always on her feet busy helping us all.


Lol thank you For realising my skills do not lie in paints 

The list is extensive all the help and support I mean this lady has done more for me in a year than my CPNs have in a decade she sees my strengths and helps me right across the board from private matters to the helping of the social enterprise set up and pop up museum that hopefully will be able to happen, I get the grace of the museum through the tactfulness of this smart individual too and the museum and clients are so lucky to have her imployment.


The first of its kind each piece from COLLECTIBULLDOGS

Mrs Museum mentor you don’t like accolades you don’t like it when emails are sent to your peers saying just how great you are and and you, like some others have trouble taking praise ( totally understandable) with come backs saying it’s just your job. so instead of emails chocs or flowers I’m going to say the most sincerest of THANK YOUS here so that even if the world doesn’t know whom you are by face they will now by your kindness and selflessness This Blog will be read in over 70 countries and you know how large my following is so the world now knows.




I doubt I have spelt it right but recently I acquired a parcel at the new home “weird as I haven’t given my address out to many” so I take it upstairs and it was wasn’t long before I knew whom had sent the piece it was from my Australian friend.

bulldog pieces is made using the art of DecoTage I believe it’s a combination of wallpapers or fabric layered on a background and then coats of varnish are added to give it that stunning hand painted effect on the pieces , it’s lovely to get gifts and even better when the sender spent time and effort on the thought. THANK YOU DEAR FRIEND.



Beautiful bulldog pieces from amazing friends 

Yes the piece is beautiful and no the lady doesn’t sell them I’m afraid I mean I’ve mentioned that if more were to be made others would buy one (maybe leave comments underneath and I’ll snap shot and show her) it is fab I have one of two in existence but it would also be nice if others could own a piece of her artistic prowess.


Yay I say lol I’m extra chuffed with the present above but I also have another bulldog piece that my wife found on an auction site. So after a nice compromising talk with the seller I got myself the figurine and at a bargain too, standing just 7cms tall The HN 881A ROYAL DOULTON seated bulldog is rarer than most and if you know Doulton the same as the rarest of Bulldog pieces the bulldog on a lustre ware pot is the rarest but I’m happy with the piece found.

certainly a great find for the price that was paid out for the piece we saw the same one on Australia’s eBay for three thousand dollars we know the real price so know we got a bargain but I doubt I’ll  be getting any new pieces anytime soon (fingers crossed for Santa Claus ) .


Royal Doulton Bulldog pieces The HN 881 A piece in black and white 7cm tall

Not long after I had received the bulldog I got an email from I’m guessing somewhere in Europe I’m going by the name of the email address but could be being stereotyping unwittingly, anyways the lady had the Flambé version and wanted more information on the Bulldog pieces she had. I doubt I will get an email back asking if I want to buy it but I don’t mind I’m happy to add the HN881 to my Doulton and thankful folks come to me for knowledge and trust in my word.

Bulldog Pieces

Bulldog pieces The same model but flambe instead


Ok most that know me know I’m very placid laid back and don’t have a temper but my blood did get hot the other day when I returned to my website after a break to find thousands of pictures taken down and the idea set out by my website designer not working I mean the twitter feed was stuck on six months ago so I made contact to have a frank but realistic chat.

I pay for the privilege of my hosts help as well as the hosting itself and had enough of feeling like my own website isn’t mine, I do understand the site is huge so after some chatting we come up with a plan, we will still show a page of my collection but PDFs will be made up so anyone wanting the galleries or all my pictures can download them to keep.


When this is done I think next week sometime I will go through each pdf and sees what’s here that’s not in them and create what would be our latest pieces or memorabilia not yet seen on the website but adorns my shelves, this is the second time I’ve become frustrated over the website and nearly changed hosts but I always give my host the benefit of the doubt due to the quality of the website itself.


It used to be that public figures could be verified on twitter this was to stop copycat accounts from posing as them; for a while now twitter has let all try for verification and this is where it’s messed up. I’ve tried twice so far COLLECTIBULLDOGS is new and niche to all formats and the online world so why cannot I get verification so I’m not copycatted and I also bring something twitter hasn’t seen before.

Bulldog Pieces


When you go to verify and read the perks verification gets you it proves there’s a two tier class system going on and a unfair one at that for example a follow help account recently got validation yet there’s 1000s of them on twitter there’s only one of me, if you are on twitter verified or not please copy and paste this part as a post thank you


@collectibulldog is new and original here on #twitter so could @twitter please verify their account thank you (plus your name ) That would be fantastic and mean so much to our little enterprise in the making

I’m hoping if enough do I may get collectibulldogs verified and another achievement under our cap so fingers crossed ay. Till next time folks happy collecting.


The lads at Digital Wulf have come up with the idea of creating a calendar it was going to start this year but the idea came too late and my offer out is if you want your pic to be in the next years addition you can either contact me or my host for submission and approval.

Also before I go I’m sorry to those bloggers affiliated with or reviewing for large corporations not only do I want more antique type blogs submitted but I don’t want my followers sent on to links that take them to sales exposure we are not an advertising business or profit gateway for others to get to our doggy readers.

We don’t mind links back to your own site as it’s then down to our viewers if they wish to check out your site instead of what Is an online version of putting people on the spot. Three bloggers haven’t gotten back to me due to the fact I won’t allow these review links which says it all and I’m just protecting my readers and own reputation not all websites are about profit I just need to realise natural bloggers that love blogging are not as many as a few years ago.


This is my radio interview I did with Marcella from ❤️ HeartFM

If you watch this you will see our bulldog pieces appearing on GMB an English morning news show Ammon Holmes got my name wrong but that’s ok it’s a start to TV

I was approached by a young trainee reporter whom found me on gumtree and wanted an interview it went to an online news magazine I just wished my mental health wasn’t such a big factor in the COLLECTIBULLDOGS story

Even though it’s not easy to find on the website this is our actual link to Brighton museums one of our first and best achievements as museums do not usually link with hobby collectors

We are a website of firsts and getting a bulldog collection advert into Bullish magazine was a world first


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