Dreams, reality and one that’s owed

Enjoying time with her mum
Good day readers how are you all? I’m really hoping all are safe and well no matter where you are, as the title suggests that one of my dreams of displaying is now becoming real with myself now taking pieces to the museum ready for curation.
I got the set up wrong I must of been excited when I was showed the cabinet space and mis counted the boxes for each one, I know need to rethink my theme and also chat with a curator about how some pieces will be displayed.

What dreams are made of. Wiggle on
Cheers fella
Some of us are still struggling with certain formats and as I’m not a business there’s no advertising to constantly remind people of my brand, thank you again to jools whom has become an invaluable contact, not only has the fella helped me set up a system his offer to pop round and show me so I can do it DIY is gratefully appreciated he really is a top fella. A piece by jools
Moving on
I have been given the honour of working with two of Brighton museums finest curators whom will be assisting me from start to finish to get the display right, both ladies are experts in their field and I’m one lucky chap to be given such help.
The other display artists showing their work as well as myself are privileged with the same kindness from the museum and each of us gets help with our displays, I have been lucky enough to see the work being created and all that come will be amazed at the skill in art that they will see.

Can you pass me a towel please
I’ve tied in my connection to the display by creating my own bulldog pieces in art group it would be a bit like cheating as all I would of done otherwise is just turn up with my pieces, I’m sorry to scare you like this but I think my artwork pieces are being auctioned off after but I need clarification from my project leader.
Two more weeks
In two weeks time I think all the pieces I need will be down at the museum and the process of getting info correct on each piece will begin, this is where I come in and can hopefully show that I know about what I’m displaying.
Helping the curators to research or tell them of the pieces should save time but I think there will be a few we end up getting stumped on but no matter, any piece unidentifiable can just be changed over to another piece I can relate too.

My attempt at art could be a funny topic lol
I have the use of the projector (I’m so lucky) and a certain friend I know will be very happy that the slides donated a few years back will be getting used, the three themes will be famous paintings/Bulldogs, bulldog Anatomy, and the American hall of fame.
More dreams Wonderful news!!!
I was reliably told this week that the Brighton Argus my home cities local paper will be publishing the journalists story on Collectibulldogs, this is amazing news to me as I had resigned to the fact it was not meant to be, I cannot wait to see the published article and will blog on the article as the display moves forward. Check out the Brighton Argus
Getting Validation isn’t easy nor is promoting a very mis understood breed, it’s one breed that for some reason brings up strong opinion on different topics and I want it noted I choose the breed for A the amount of collectibles there are, B I needed a way to further my daughters education and C It just seemed right.
My motives now are a little different I would like to start gaining interest so that I may get a social enterprise going, my only down fall is the fact it’s so niche, one day Brighton will see the worlds first ever bulldog memorabilia collection museum I even pitched an idea to the dogs trust regarding this massive of pipe dreams.

Wiggles pinching the bedBack to the dreams
I for one cannot wait to see the finished display the mix / mash up of bulldogs and art will bring its own element but as I’ve seen what others are putting up get ready for the WOW factor, it’s not for me to decide in art what’s good or bad I just know I was blown away by what I’ve seen so far.

Playing I’ve got your nose with a bulldog. Lol
I’m currently trying to bribe my daughter whom in school over the years has made me little bulldog themed pieces, I’m hoping she will allow me to display a pencil holder that was made for me when the school was doing woodwork, what father would I be if I didn’t choose this as my favourite piece.
I do not think the pieces are going into the installation until about five days before I’m hoping to be allowed to take stage pictures that is if it takes more than a day to do, I was going to ask if I could swap a piece or two over the course of the display but I think the only this might be possible is if I can get them stored there otherwise it’s to much confusion on the paperwork.
If you remember I was introduced to a student called Alice whom wanted to volunteer as a museum mentor and we were paired up due to Alice’s interest in collecting subjects, Alice came into her final year and could not carry on as a mentor and of course studying always comes first.

Reading our guest blog on FROM THE DOGS PAW
Collectibulldogs would like to thank Alice for even wanting to help we hope you pass with flying colours and end up in a job that you will love and vice versa, feel free to call upon us anytime and hopefully we even become contacts in the future, until then we wish you the very best for your last year and are certain you will make yourself and those around you very proud indeed.
Before I go I would like to say Ive worked hard on my venture it did not fall onto my lap and collecting so much in such a small amount of time especially what’s been collected should be commended on its own merit and that’s without reflecting on my I’ll state, not only that but after creating such a niche passion there’s also a world first in the website and I’m sure the ebook for collectors of bulldogs is a first.

Bulldogs 4 Life
please notice that the blog is adorned with up to date pictures of wiggles, the pieces I will be displaying I want to keep as a bit of a surprise plus Wiggles has created her own love on twitter, she’s so cute she does just as well as one of those follow trains with us reaching 45 thousand followers to date.
With one purpose in mind I’ve not deviated from the original plan and I’m definitely not trying to ram bulldogs down people’s throats I just think it’s something noticeable and a great achievement and with that tiny bit of brash self affirmation all that’s left to say is happy collecting folks.
bookmarking and clicks
I do not know the actual following number that Collectibulldogs is lucky to have but I do know some are book marking the website, this is brilliant as it means they enjoy the site so much they will be coming back and we love all our views.
Please may I ask from now till may could all those that do follow please double your clicks or bounce around more amongst the pages, the reason why I’m asking is becouse I have the display pieces and paperwork to sort out so cannot self promote as much and I don’t want my views to fall and have Collectibulldogs look unpopular when it comes to the display.
I know we don’t sell and admittedly the galleries need adjusting but all that will get sorted soon, the more clicks the longer you stay tuned in and more interaction the better and I can show a glowingly analytics report when I use website as part of my display THANK YOU

Twitter is loving this pic of me. Wiggle on
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