Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇

Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇

Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇

Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇

Our second award our first was feed spot


Hi Readers I hope that your all well, Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇 is a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day, the email was pleasantly received and I was dumbfounded to find out Collectibulldogs had won yet another award for the blogs / articles we are producing.


Im not sure if there’s a tally in the list if so we are number ten, it’s not the sort of award I would expect our kind of website to get but pawstuck saw fit to add us to Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇 the others being from feedspot and the big guest site whom awarded us for originality.


Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇Is not for originality I’ll leave a copy of the email as the badge states 50 top blogs all dog owners should follow as our niche is bulldog related they must of found some guest posts I’m not sure but hey an award is an award.


This will not improve our views or social standing but if paw stuck has a domain authority then the link up will give us Kudos with google and improve our own DA, I knew there were blogging awards the ceremony type but it wasn’t until feedspot contacted us awarding us a top 15 spot out of 30 but I’m not sure how long that accolades going to last.

Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇


It is very sad that Wiggles did not make it and Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇 has been dedicated to her, where would I have gotten half my ideas if it wasn’t for her and the inspiration she oozed so although she cannot except it with me it will definitely be an award that goes in her name.



Ive spoken to my host and requested that the badge go on to the front page with a sticky text leading to wiggles memorial page, I’d like to quickly thank those adding content, if you wish to say something and have it on her page please get in touch.

Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇

i really hope that Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇 is not our last as life has to go on regardless and I’ve recently picked up a couple of nice pieces I’d like to write about one would be of interest to anyone belonging to the Rochdale district bulldog club ?


im also in talk with my host and if we see a rise in views and interactions then I’m going to invest a thousand pounds into the website or even thinking of saving to create an app just like the ones you use to get to your favourite media accounts, we have a few ideas in mind.


Please note things at Collectibulldogs will stay as they are at the moment there’s a lady called kaye whom we adore and has shared every post we’ve created for years now, asking if wiggles can stay as the face of Collectibulldogs is I’m afraid not going to work in the long run but in memory to wiggles and for Kayes love 💖 of the site and showing compassion nothing will be changed anytime soon.


Thank you very much to For our award I invite my readers to check out paw stuck and especially their totally rad top 50 blogs for dog lovers / owners, I do feel we are a mixture of things but I can tell by the time duration someone has scrutinised our website so it must be deserved even if our articles are very varied.

Paw struck will it bring in views or writers

That’s what’s running through my mind at the moment I’ve not seen a big spike in views and for someone that’s written nearly four hundred articles it would be nice if others out there noticed the quality of the website the size of its audience and come write and publish with us.


With a change around a clear out and other projects ill have articles until the cows come home so to speak and with formats like twitter and Pinterest taking more notice daily the viewer participation will only increase with every article, Facebook have lost the plot regarding posts now and even an article about wiggles passing was seen as spam by Facebook in groups created by their customers MY FRIENDS so regarding Facebook I’m just posting to page and profile atm.


Guesting with us brings you exposure we are lucky to be linked to such places as Brighton museum whom trust Collectibulldogs on the councils servers this is a one off and again I say very lucky, we work with Sussex university sometimes too so get uni links what I’m trying to say is leave a link and improve your own domain authority.


I could not believe the email from pawstuck I’ll leave a copy below I never feel we get many viewers let alone awards popping up and if we had a shelf and it was a Prayers answered our first English trophy piece I’d put it on that shelf but we do get a badge showing viewers we won the Pawstruck top 50 our 3rd award 🥇Let’s hope we get some pawstuck visitors whom get the website like pawstuck did  THANK YOU !

FEEDSPOTS ACCOLADE FOR 2018 WE CAME 15th out of 10,000 antiques websites

The wiggles bulldog memorial page please do us the honour of leaving a comment any valid ones will be copied and pasted onto website with dedicators name please check to see who’s started this compassionate ongoing idea 💡



Here’s our brand new badge

Hi there,

Just wanted to give you a heads up that Collectibulldogs has been featured in our recently published post: 50 Blogs Every Dog Owner Should Follow

You can view the blog post here:

We found Collectibulldogs to be a great resource on dog care and wanted to thank you for sharing your expertise. We included a link to your website which should hopefully help send some extra visitors over your way.

Congratulations and keep the great content coming!

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